Every Little Cell in my Body is Happy!

Every Little Cell in my Body is Happy!

Every Little Cell in my Body is Happy!

I don’t know who wrote this song. But I love singing it while visualizing a happy, singing choir of bright, gleaming cells dancing throughout my body. Feel free to sing it out loud, or inside your head as you get comfortable and prepare for a visualization exercise. 

See below a musical duet with me and my furry friend Bluey Armstrong. (One minute video)

Take a deep breath. Inhale and exhale long slow breaths. Imagine a glowing sparkling gem of a cell in your throat chakra. That shiny, spunky cell is singing with such enthusiasm that it bursts and divides into another cell, and another and another… until there is a small and mighty choir of glowing cells emitting happiness as they groove along to the healthy-and-well-rhythm. The choir of happy, healthy cells forms into a parade… marching forth… out to the places in the body that need support. Some cells dance so flamboyantly that they help increase circulation and reduce inflammation. Some cells huddle around tender spots to comfort and regenerate wounds. Other cells joyfully take a giant picnic and gobble up unhealthy bacteria, malignant cells, candida and other undesirable guests.

Spend time imagining these vibrant healthy cells bouncing, singing and at-work for you throughout your body. Muster up kindness for yourself.

Breathe fully and comfortably. 

Sing it out-loud or inside your head. Repeat!

Or watch Bluey Armstrong and me sing it with conviction. I admit, it is especially FUN to sing with a Blue Friendly Monster.
Adding a dose of laughter medicine increases the potency of this exercise.

“I’m so glad every little cell in my body is happy and well.”

Photo by Tom Ganner, Southeast Alaska State Fair